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Starting and Charging System in Southfield, MI

Your vehicle would be useless without the starting and charging systems. These systems comprise many parts, including:

  • Battery
  • Starter Motor and Starter Relay
  • Solenoid
  • Ignition Switch
  • Alternator 
  • Drive Belt
  • …and more!

Next time you turn the key or press the button to start the ignition, consider all the following parts above and the processes they go through to get your engine up and running. Let’s face it – there’s nothing worse than being stranded with a dead battery or alternator. At our auto repair, we understand the importance of keeping your starting and charging systems in tip-top shape. That is why we provide a wide range of services that involve replacing worn or defective parts with new, quality parts.

All the components in the starting and charging system are connected. For example, the alternator charges the battery while your engine is running. If the alternator is faulty, your battery will eventually be drained. Fortunately, you can count on our experienced technicians to test, clean, and inspect your automobile’s battery, charging system, and starting system. Whether your system is in trouble, or you simply want to check its condition, we can give you an accurate and comprehensive analysis of the electrical system.

Here at our auto repair shop, we are known for delivering accurate repairs and first-class service. Our goal is to provide you with a more reliable and better-performing vehicle. Let our friendly team do all the necessary work so that you can return to the road with confidence.

If you are looking for convenient starting and charging system services, including battery replacements or alternator repairs, look no further than our auto repair shop! Please give us a call or schedule your appointment online today.

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