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Safety Inspection in Southfield, MI

The requirements for a vehicle safety inspection are determined by the governing body of a province or state. The purpose of these safety inspections is to make sure that every vehicle, currently on the road, is maintained for safe operation. The main goal of these inspections is to try to prevent vehicle failure on the road, leading to a crash that could result in an injury or even death. A lot of states that require safety inspections are in charge of designated inspection stations for such purposes. However, some states allow safety inspections to be performed by independent repair shops with approval from the state DOT. We have staff members who are fully trained and certified to perform vehicle safety inspections, at a verified state inspection station.


In most cases, annual or biennial safety inspections are authorized by states or provinces in order to make sure all driven vehicles are in good condition and are safe to drive. The purpose of the safety inspection is to keep drivers safe by pinpointing problems that can cause an accident in the long run. A safety inspection consists of a lengthy examination of vehicle components to ensure that everything is in proper working order in various areas of the vehicle, including under the vehicle, in the interior, outside of the vehicle, and under the hood. Those vehicles that fail to pass a safety inspection are immediately removed from the road. With that being said, when your vehicle is due for a safety inspection, give us a call or visit our vehicle inspection station.

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